You are probably all tired of reading (if you are reading my blog) of the new house so I will post about our day trip to the Wild Basin in the Rocky Mountain National Park.
Wild Basin is typically less congested than the rest of the part so we thought it would be cool to hike up to Calypso Cascades (and hopefully farther up to the Ozeul Falls). Since it was a three day weekend, we figured it would be kind of slow on a Saturday. WRONG. The place was quite packed. We were able to find a parking space about a half mile from the start of the trail head.
The guy that pulled out of the parking space dropped his camera. We tried to flag him down without luck. So, dude (or dude’ette), if you are reading this, we left your camera with the park ranger at the Wild Basin entrance. The ranger said that he would put in in the lost and found (wherever that is).
Here are a few pictures of the walk…
We actually didn’t make it up to the falls since it started to rain (heavily). We packed smart and brought our rain jackets. So we walked back to the car (in the rain) and headed home. Our (new) backpacks got soaked but the camera gear remained dry.
I guess that I should have mentioned that we bought new pack backs for our cameras. Michelle is absolute proof that having five or six camera bags is not enough. Actually, “camera” bags suck. Best to use a roomy back back (with a flat bottom). Best Buy had a good sale going on so…
Of course you can see more pictures on my SmugMug site (link on the right side of the page or click on this URL link:
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