Memorial Day vacations are for suckers! Go the following weekend and avoid the crowds (aka cluster fucks). Due to the current COVID crap that is going on we both reached our vacation day caps so our employers told us to take a couple of days off. Since we finally got some good weather (aka spring) we felt a road trip was in order. Unfortunately four days isn't enough to head down to Telluride or Durango so we opted to head over to Utah and visit Dinosaur National Monument. Now, in all fairness, we knew that the visitor center and quarry at the monument were closed and that we were taking non essential travel but being cooped up in the house with nothing to do was just not going to happen. Period. We got our camera bags packed, truck loaded and booked a hotel in Vernal, UT. Vernal is the closest town to the monument. Not a lot of good hotels in town. Most of them dumps and with all of the COVID stuff going a we didn't know what our food options would b...