Well, we booked our trip to Greece, Crete, Albania and Macedonia. Seems like an eternity away.
Time to start practice packing the carry on backpack that contains all of our camera stuff as well as emergency clothes and toiletries.
How many cameras should I bring? How many do I have is the better question.
Time to start practice packing the carry on backpack that contains all of our camera stuff as well as emergency clothes and toiletries.
How many cameras should I bring? How many do I have is the better question.
Let's see, I have a Nikon D500 (best camera, EVER) for my semi professional work. A Sony A6000 for semi, semi professional results (second best camera, EVER). I use the Sony a lot especially when I am too lazy to carry the heavy D500 around. For the most part, I use it when taking a hike (which is quite frequent by the way). Lastly, I have a Fuji XP120. The Fuji I can just stuff in my pocket and go anywhere. The camera is waterproof so it would be good to have when visiting a country during the wet season (hello Guatemala). I won't be going scuba diving anytime soon so don't hold your breath for a review.
In addition to the cameras, I have a small assortment of lenses (fisheye, wide angle, telephoto) that may or may not go on the trip. It all comes down to how stuffed I can make my backpack. Speaking of backpacks, I have a few of them as well.
Quite the dilemma huh? Maybe I should post the following question: How may backpacks can a backpacker pack if a backpacker could pack packs? Or, How may cameras can a cameraman carry if a cameraman could carry cameras in a backpack? Or finally, How many camera packed backpacks could a backpack carrying cameraman carry if a backpack packing cameraman could pack a pack full of cameras? I give up.
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