It has been awhile since we visited Manitou Springs. For some reason we never visit in the spring. Always cold and dreary.

Well, today it was just cold. 11 degrees but sunny!
Insert woo-hoo here
Our adventure started at the Garden of the Gods this morning.
You see, I got a new lens for my Sony A6000 camera which really kicks ass when a small mirror less is needed for the photo shoot (or when I’m sick of lugging my Nikon D500 and heavy ass backpack and assorted lenses and peripherals on my back for umteen hours). I guess I should just do a blogpost for all of my new and or upgraded, renovated sold or traded camera equipment. Fuck that... too much typing.
Before I forget, if you ever visit Manitou Springs, make sure you visit the Tavern Grill. They have the best burgers in town.
Here are some of my better pictures from Manitou Springs.
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