We decided to do a bathroom makeover by adding a vanity, new lighting, paint and fixtures (TP and towel rack) and maybe a mirror as well as new shelves. Did I mention that we wanted to add a utility sink to the laundry room as well.

Since the vanity didn’t come with a faucet we opted for brushed nickel. We also did the same for the lighting, mirror and the other fixtures.

After scheduling the contractor do do the installation of the vanity and sink we went to pick out the remaining items as well as some paint.

Off to Lowe’s we went with our price and objectives firmly planted in our minds.
There were a lot of vanity choices so we had to narrow down size and options (plastic sink vs porcelain, drawers vs cabinet, 24” or 36” width and Cheap-O Charley vs upper middle class quality.
After perusing the aisles we set our sights on a 24” vanity. White washed with grey stone top.
Since the vanity didn’t come with a faucet we opted for brushed nickel. We also did the same for the lighting, mirror and the other fixtures.
The utility sink was not really and issue. Deep and cheap.
The install went smooth.
Laundry Room:
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