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Showing posts from February, 2015

What A Little Paint Can Do!

What would you do on a weekend when all it does is snow? Paint of course! Colorado is experiencing the biggest snow storm since 2012. Of course we are not getting any snow like they are in the east (yeah, Boston, I’m talking to you). So we took this time to go to Lowes and pick out some paint for the basement bathroom, the entry hallway and my home office. We started painting yesterday morning and pretty much just got finished this evening (just in time for the start of the Oscars). I guess you are dying to see the results huh? I won’t make you wait any longer…here are the results: Yes, I posted a picture of our world map, but now the wall is yellowish mustard   A view from my home office (pre-painted):   The same view (with my office painted- duh) and the furniture rearranged:     The basement bathroom (before) - You probably notice that there is a little yellow on the wall. We had a bunch of yellow paint left over so we put some of the yellow paint on the w...

What A View!

Michelle sent me this picture It was taken from her new office in Broomfield! I would post a picture of my view but it wouldn’t compare in the slightest. Oh, beautiful Colorado!

Cherry Creak Resevoir

Last Saturday, the weather was in the 70’s (it snowed the next day) and we were looking for a new park to walk at. Michelle found Cherry Creek Reservoir. The park is in Aurora (about 25 miles from home.